📱Social Media

Official Links of Haddies Bay Club!

👨‍💻 Website (Coming Soon)

Our website is currently being created! Stay on the look out for upcoming release before April 14th's mint day!

Follow us on twitter to stay up to date with the latest Haddies news and events! Including upcoming whitelist spots, giveaways and contests!

☎️ Telegram

Join our Telegram community to chat with our HBC community! Although we have a bridge to unite conversation between all of our community outlets; Make sure to use discord if you want to earn points towards MainStreet.Finances Engagement Economy!

👾 Discord

Our discord is currently hosted by our incubation platform MainStreet.Finance! Join and engage in the community to earn points towards merch, NFTs, and more simply by chatting or tweeting! Once we grow large enough, we will launch our own server!

GitBook tip: you can embed public links, like a Typeform, to make data capture a breeze. Paste a URL below and try it out.

Last updated